Those are our Quality Service for your Business








The consultants of SKYEXCEL provide the insight targeted, results-driven marketing services to businesses seeking to reach, sellers and manufacturers to achieve reliable revenue and growth worldwide.  Companies introducing the products into Asian market (or expanding their existing presence) – or wishing to source products from Asia market –  face with investment decisions with many factors affecting success.

Companies introducing the products into Asian market (or expanding their existing presence) – or wishing to source products from Asia market –  shall face with investment decisions with many factors affecting success. The geography is vast, and each cultural and language differences are obvious to people with local experience, but perhaps the implications are not so obvious from the other side of the world. Disparate market conditions, numerous and different competitors, different banking regulations and constitution, different customer expectations – all lead to complexity and potential loss of focus. Companies investing in the Asia Pacific often have big expectations based on their successful experience in their domestics business and markets. This has led to many businesses to being unsatisfied and confused by the performance of their operations in other countries.

SKYEXCEL Management Services (SEMS) leverages the experience and network of its principals, to help focus our clients’ efforts and resources so that all Asian market becomes a reliable revenue contributor and growth region, quickly.

SEMS can help you to tailor your business development initiatives in the most effective and applicable manner. We act as your business development force and start building an initial pipeline of prospective clients as well as developing potential third-party partnerships, reducing your upfront cost and risk. As your operations begin to perform against a plan, we can assist you in hiring your own local team to continue to grow your business.

Our services include:

Branding advice on new products, Strategy for new products., Researching the manufacturers

Development of new products, Product promotion, Quality inspection arrangement.

Shipping management, Import and Taxation support and Delivery management.

SKYEXCEL will develop an action plan to help our customers achieve their international business objectives.

The majority of import complaints boil down to someone who paid cash in advance and never received

 the goods or received a partial shipment or received something other than what they thought they

were buying. In almost all of these cases, the buyer did not take a single step before sending

the payment to verify and screen the company they are doing business with avoiding the pitfalls.

Why use our expertise?

Some reasons for you to consider:, Time difference, Language barrier, Complex orders

Source your needs, Specialization, Global contacts



SKYEXCEL will support the relevant mandates of importing products of quality inspection and

safety packing job including to making the original package, blisters, carton box as the clients

requirement.   And contact and hire a freight forwarder on behalf to help our client handle

the necessary steps of the shipping the merchandise and provide a routing information,

books cargo space, and quotes shipping rates.

Whatever your requirements may be, we can assist you to source your products through

our extensive network of global contacts.




MANAGEMENT SERVICE of SKYEXCEL can provide a whole INTERNET solution include complete eCommerce that allows you to set up a website mainly an online store to sell your goods. It lets you organize your idea, products, and customize your storefront, accept credit card payments, track and respond to orders — all with a few clicks of the mouse.

Providing a return on your investment through website re-design, targeted online marketing, enhanced social media presence, search engine and content optimization, research and site visitor analytics.

And, if your current website isn’t providing the right results, or if you are looking to take the next step forward with an online business, or if you are launching your business online, SKYEXCEL Management Services (SEMS) can help you achieve your business goals with digital transformation.

We can ensure that your website is intuitive and responsive, that is it can be read easily on all channels, PC, iPad, iPhone, Android. We will also optimize your website content for search engines such as Google and Bing.

We can deliver an enhanced Social Media presence – it should be one of the crucial components of your Marketing Plan. The tipping point from “should have” to “must have” has happened and you no longer have the luxury of waiting to see what everyone else is doing.

Establishing a social media presence which invites engagement is becoming an increasingly important element of many companies’ online marketing strategy.

From intelligent and sustainable SEO to engaging social media campaigns and compelling site content, SKYEXCEL FinTech marketing services are tailored to increase online visibility and create marketing strategies that convert.

The importance of online marketing cannot be overstated. We tailor the online marketing to suit your business; it may require a social media bias, organic search targeting keywords or a blend of traffic acquisition methods. Whether it be Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging, Wikipedia, YouTube, Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, StumbleUpon, LINE, etc. let us help you determine which Social Media Network best fits your business.



SKYEXCEL offer a range of real-time, powerful, international credit card processing solutions in the world’s major established and emerging markets. These solutions include facilitating international merchant account setups with the relevant acquiring banks.. Online merchants should be able to process in multiple currencies and support several credit card brands.

And, Skyexcel offer to reputable institutions who would like to outsource the infrastructure or facility required to be able to issue prepaid/debit/credit cards to its clients using established relationship with  worldwide EMI (Electronic Money Issuer). These institutions wish to strengthen its branding and marketing programs using the card to boost sales and card usage by offering the existing card offerings and features on top of their own marketing plans

More study about



Finding a partner who wants to play ball with you seems like a difficult task, but when you take a look at the process, it’s negotiating the terms of a partnership agreement that requires true business savvy. Like Ben Hogan’s legendary golf swing, follow-through is the key, consistent element to make sure the terms of the partnership are mutually beneficial.

The key to any good business relationship is understanding individual and shared goals. We all want to make money, but when you share the cost of the service provided to customers, there are expectations and split revenues. Leverage what your company can do for their business goals and vice versa.

Before any lawyers get involved to make sure you talk about business goals openly. How will revenue be shared? What does the end product look like? Does one company have to significantly customize a service they already provide? Is distribution involved? If the partnership falls through, will one company be compensated for the work it's already delivered?

Answering these questions on a business level first will help get the partnership off the ground before legal teams can weigh down the agreement. Don’t get me wrong, lawyers are great, but they focus on the details, which can rabbit hole partnerships quickly. Getting the business goals in writing can help make sure you enter the legal phase of creating a contract with a solid, mutually understood business case.

Since getting a company to agree to anything in “writing” can be hard, having a summary written in an email is often a good solution – and something that you can get them to agree to before getting the lawyers involved.

2. Define Responsibilities

Within any partnership, there are distribution commitments. This might mean physically delivering a product, or it could be distributing a message. Whether on the content or distribution end of a partnership, be very clear about the work that is expected upon delivery and your company’s role in getting it there. Define roles precisely, so they have no messy gray area. Make sure the exact product is explained, and the infrastructure to support and update that product is part of this definition.

It’s important to be thorough at this stage, so be sure to cover breach of contract and termination agreements. Basically, if doom and gloom take over, you want to ensure you have leverage and wiggle room. Make sure your company has enough pull written into the contract to enforce a breach of contract, should it happen. Also, define clean terms (and even metrics) that give your company the opportunity leave the partnership without a devastating penalty if it doesn’t work out.

To be a great partner, meet your responsibilities consistently and don’t be afraid to append your agreement if it requires some tweaking.




SKYEXCEL is a Hong Kong registered company and is one of a few leading in the specialization of several areas of business commerce.

With many major companies as clients, we can support your import requirements throughout the globe using our vast manufacturing and supplier network base while having the ability to make the tough deals in a timely and professional manner.

Established to specifically conduct international trade with the focus of targeting new and innovative products while creating growth for other existing brand products.

Discussion and Preparing the business plan


Research and Negotiation, and/or  sampling

5 - 60 days (depends)

Production or test running

14~40 days


This are some Facts of 2015th our Company SKYEXCEL




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